QAEconomics › Critics of the wealth gap might argue that.

Critics of the wealth gap might argue that.

A. Economic growth will likely decline over time.

B. The wealthy become unable to make investments.

C. Buying power exceeds the supply from producers.

D. The upper classes cannot help create new jobs.


Answer: A. Economic growth will likely decline over time.

The wealth gap, also known as wealth inequality, is the unequal and uneven distribution of income and assets among residents of a particular place. Critics of the wealth gap might argue that the economic growth of a nation is most likely to decline over time. Generally, a rise in the worth of a nation’s economic products and services will cause economic growth. Money imbalances measured by the distribution of pay and wealth can contribute to reduced income mobility, creeping economic growth, very high levels of household debts, and also greater risk of deflation and financial crisis. In summary, the wealth gap hurts the economy; makes employees less productive leading to lower wages and then eventually resulting in economic apathy among the lower class.

3 years ago