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Solution: The formula used for the conversion of Kelvin to Celsius is: ˚C= k-273.15 Therefore, ˚C= 49-273.15 ˚C= -224.15 Therefore, 49K = -224.15˚C
Answer: B. It is ductile. Cesium is a very ductile metal with the second-lowest boiling point after mercury. It is liquid at room temperature and has chemical properties similar to that of potassium. Before failure, Cesium can sustain and withstand…
Answer: C. magnitude and direction Force can change the motion of an object. It can cause a change in the velocity of an object. With this, force is described as a vector quantity, i.e. having magnitude and direction. The concepts…
Answer: C. biomass at each trophic level The pyramid of energy is always upright and can never be inverted. This is because the biomass of producers is always greater than that of the consumers or carnivores. The pyramid of energy…
Answer: B. Water molecules surround solute molecules. In the solubility of substances, the law that “like dissolves like” is strictly adhered to. Polar compounds are therefore soluble in polar solvents and non-polar compounds are soluble in non-polar solvents. Water is…
Answer: A. O2 (oxygen gas) Oxygen gas was most likely not present in the primitive atmosphere of the earth. The atmosphere of primitive earth was composed mainly of carbon dioxide and methane as a result of the high level of…
Answer: A. a molecule A molecule is the combination of two or more atoms. These atoms are held by chemical bonds. A molecule, although the smallest portion of a substance, shows all the properties of the substance. An example of…
Answer: A. The higher the pH is, the more the hydroxide ion concentration decreases and the more acidic the solution becomes. Basic solutions are solutions with pH higher than 7 while acidic solutions are solutions with pH lower than 7.…
Answer: C. It is a negative ion that has one more valence electron than a neutral bromine atom. A bromine element is a halogen. This means it has seven electrons in its valence shell. This makes Bromine very reactive as…
Answer: A. A device that measures the heat that is gained or lost in a chemical change. The calorimeter is a device used in the measurement of heat changes in a reaction, particularly in a closed container. A calorimeter measures…
Answer: D. Both are made up of members from both houses of Congress. Joint committees and standing committees are both made of members from both houses of congress. Joint committees are set up to aid in the conduct of business…
Answer: A. Extends the tap-and-trace provisions of existing wiretap statutes to the Internet, and mandates certain technological modifications at ISPs to facilitate electronic wiretaps on the Internet. The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 was signed into law by President George…
Answer: C. Are rewards allocated according to the proper norm? Procedural justice is simply the idea of fairness. In procedural justice, disputes are resolved simply by allocating resources. Certain parameters are followed most of which involve transparency in engaging in…
Answer: A. It describes the relationship between federal and state power. The Supremacy Clause is considered to be the root of federalism because it describes the relationship between federal and state power. Located in Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the…
Answer: B. With reasonable cause, the officer can stop this individual and frisk him. A police officer who suspects that you have committed a crime, in the process of committing a crime, or in possession of an item capable of…
Answer: C. Establishing a data selection strategy prior to collecting data decreases the chance of a biased outcome. Data selection is the process of defining the types of data as well as its sources considered essential for data collection. In…
Answer: B. Nuremberg Code Before 1906, specific regulations on the ethical use of human subjects were non-existent. The Nuremberg code came as a result of the reported trial regarding prisoners used in conducting research. The Nuremberg code was established in…
Answer: C. A physician recruiting his patients Deferential vulnerability is a situation where a person feels submissive or less when compared to another person as a result of gender, social class, or knowledge. So many people today tend to compare…
Answer: C. Consumers and producers. Microeconomics deals with the study of the decisions made by individuals and firms in the allocation of resources of production, consumption, and exchange. It is the economic interaction existing between producers and consumers. In other…
Answer: B. It had a strategic location along the Volga River. When German forces attacked the western part of Russia intending to take Moscow, Joseph Stalin, then head of state of Russia led the successful defense and rebuff of the…
Answer: D. The government controls factories and other forms of production. A command economy is a kind of economic system in which the government is the center stage of all economic activities. In other words, they play a major role…
Answer: B. Sitcoms reinforced traditional roles for men and women. Sitcoms of the 1950s focused on reinforced traditional roles for men and women. The 50s witnessed the emergence of the first sitcoms and these popular TV shows focused on depicting…
Answer: B. It strengthened those with democratic governments. The weakening of the Soviet Union weakened other nations in Europe who also had communist dictatorships. European countries with communist dictatorships were quite related to the Soviet Union. All of these countries…
Answer: A. Creating subcommittees to deal with inequality. The National Organization for Women in 1966 was formed to deal with the problem of inequality existing in the United States. As a result of the failure of the Equal Employment Opportunity…
Answer: D. Saving to easily access the money when needed Savings account is the type of account where money can be deposited in order to keep your money safe while earning interest. With very low interest rates, the savings account…
Ophelia in William Shakespeare’s drama “hamlet” is the sister of Laertes and the soon-to-be wife of Prince Hamlet. In this drama, Ophelia ends up in a state of madness due to Hamlet’s actions. This in turn led to her death.…
Answer: A. Big down payment, a longer term loan, and a low interest rate To keep a monthly mortgage payment as low as possible it is important to swing a larger down payment, opting for long term, and having a…
Answer: B. A bond typically pays a fixed, predictable amount of interest each year. A high-end quality bond is regarded as a lower-risk investment than a stock because a typical bond pays a predictable, fixed amount of interest per annum.…
Answer: A. When your total of previous payments and applicable credits is more than the tax you owe. The IRS can issue a tax refund if only the amount of tax paid by an individual is more than what was…
Answer: A. eukaryotes. Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms with no nuclear membrane-enclosed nucleus. These organisms are believed to be the origin of life and to have dominated the earth up to the Precambrian era. Prokaryotes, cells with a membrane-bound nucleus originate…