QALaw › Which of the following is a characteristic of the Patriot Act?

Which of the following is a characteristic of the Patriot Act?

A. Extends the tap-and-trace provisions of existing wiretap statutes to the Internet, and mandates certain technological modifications at ISPs to facilitate electronic wiretaps on the Internet.

B. A major piece of legislation affecting the financial industry, and also one with significant privacy provisions for individuals.

C. Makes it a violation of federal law to knowingly use another’s identity.

D. Implements the principle that a signature, contract, or other record may not be deleted.

E. Denies legal effect, validity, or enforceability solely because it is electronic form.


Answer: A. Extends the tap-and-trace provisions of existing wiretap statutes to the Internet, and mandates certain technological modifications at ISPs to facilitate electronic wiretaps on the Internet.

The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 was signed into law by President George Bush. The USA PATRIOT Act is an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Adequate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. This anti-terrorism act was signed just after the September 11 attacks that claimed so many lives. The Patriot act of 2001 was signed primarily to reduce or limit the hurdles encountered in obtaining intelligence warrants when investigating suspected terrorists, spies, and other enemies of the United States.

With this act, law enforcement was given greater power in the use of surveillance to monitor and track people suspected to be terrorists or helpers of terrorists. Some ways of tracking suspects include; listening to their phone calls, looking at their e-mails and internet usage, following them physically, etc. Most of these procedures are illegal in the United States but with cases related to terrorism, these laws are waved to ensure a hitch-free process of investigation.

3 years ago