QAChemistry › Determine the average rate of change of B from t = 0s

Determine the average rate of change of B from t = 0s

Determine the average rate of change of B from t = 0s to t =392s.
Time (s) Concentration of A (M)
0 0.69
191 0.395
382 0.1

First of all, we need to find the average rate if disappearence for A, where the formula is -ΔCt

First rate (A) = -ΔCt = – (0.430-0.720)/(196-0) = 1.48 * 10-3 mol/(L*s)

Second rate (A) = -Δc/Δt = – (0.140-0.430)/(392-196) = 1.48 * 10-3 mol/(L*s)

As we can see, the average rate of A equals 1.48 * 10-3 mol/(L*s)

Provided that A⟶2B,

The average rate of change (B) = 1.48 * 10-3 * 2 = 2.96 * 10-3 mol/(L*s)

3 years ago