QAEconomics › The significant increase in consumer demand following World War II marked the beginning of the:

The significant increase in consumer demand following World War II marked the beginning of the:

A. production era.

B. selling era.

C. marketing concept era.

D. customer relationship era.


Answer: B. Selling era.

Following World War II, there was a significant increase in consumer demand, creating a platform for the resulting untapped demand to thrive.

After the war, distributing companies came to the conclusion that as the consumers’ demand for products increased, the solution was to create a system that ensured the corresponding pace of supply. In other words, business owners read the room and decided that the solution was to continue selling.

The competition by and for consumers during the 1950s and the 1960s was so stiff, that consumerism began to become more popular.

Thus began the era referred to as the “selling era”.

Essentially, the guiding principle of business at that time was the orientation of sales.

3 years ago