QABiology › What structures are present in a plant cell, but not in an animal cell?

What structures are present in a plant cell, but not in an animal cell?


There are several structures and organelles found in a typical plant cell but not found in an animal cell. Some of these structures include the cell wall, chloroplasts, and large vacuoles. Although plant cells and animal cells still have some common structures, some structures in plant cells are only associated with the sophisticated life of plants. This is so for animals as well. A typical plant cell contains a rigid cell wall, something animals lack.

With this, plants are capable of getting rigid and getting in shape. Chloroplasts also are found only in plants. This is so because chloroplasts are essential in the photosynthetic process and plants are known to manufacture their own food, unlike animals. Plants cells also contain in them large vacuoles used to store water and food for the future. Animals also have vacuoles but in plants, they are way bigger and more prominent.

3 years ago