QAEconomics › What would a company like eBay or Amazon be constantly benchmarking?

What would a company like eBay or Amazon be constantly benchmarking?

A. MIS efficiency

B. MIS effectiveness

C. MIS efficiency and MIS effectiveness

D. usability metrics only


Answer: C. MIS efficiency and effectiveness

When it comes to company productivity and level of performance, management information systems, MIS, plays an essential role.

For companies like eBay and Amazon that primarily deal in the marketing aspect of business, the effectiveness and efficiency of MIS is what facilitates staff and product efficiency from the managerial level.

The MIS benchmark seeks to monitor, appraise, and process the data of a company, in order to highlight target areas and corresponding information on which the managerial arm of the company can make decisions that ensure that the company keeps running.

Essentially, eBay and Amazon would constantly benchmark MIS because doing so will ensure a continuous managerial ability to appraise and improve the performances of their companies.

3 years ago