QAHistory › Which example shows how immigrants resisted the “Americanization Movement”?

Which example shows how immigrants resisted the “Americanization Movement”?

1. enrolling in public schools to learn English

2. taking night classes to study US history

3. developing Catholic schools in cities

4. working in low-wage, unskilled jobs

5. living in poverty in city slums


Answer: 3. developing Catholic schools in cities.

The Americanization Movement was created with the aim of ultimately converting immigrants and foreigners into Americans. They did this by making the immigrants learn English in public schools, take night classes where American history was taught, live in the slums and poor conditions, work for low pay.

In retaliation, some of the immigrants who refused to completely forsake their heritage in favor of the American culture went on to build Catholic schools in their cities, to teach other immigrants their own culture, and help them keep their own values.


3 years ago