QAPolitology › Which of the following agencies is responsible for compiling the NCVS?

Which of the following agencies is responsible for compiling the NCVS?

A. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (OJUD)

B. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)

C. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

D. Local police departments


Answer: B. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)

The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is America’s main source of information regarding criminal victimization. Each year, the NCVS collects data on personal crimes like rape, robbery, simple assault, and personal larceny as well as household property crimes like motor vehicle theft, trespassing, etc. This data is compiled by the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).

The BJS is responsible for the measurement of crime, criminal offenders, criminal victimization, correlates of crime, victims of crime, and criminal operations at all levels of the justice systems. The BJS is under the United States Department of Justice and deals solely with data collection, measurement, interpretation, and publishing.

3 years ago