QAPsychology › Which of the following statements is true of the socioemotional selectivity theory?

Which of the following statements is true of the socioemotional selectivity theory?

A. Younger adults embrace the present moment with increasing vitality.

B. Unlike younger adults, older adults tend to be preoccupied with the future.

C. Older adults gain a sense of meaning by focusing on satisfying relationships and activities in the present.

D. Younger adults tend to be selective in their social interactions in order to maximize positive, meaningful experiences.


Answer: C. Older adults gain a sense of meaning by focusing on satisfying relationships and activities in the present.

The socioemotional selectivity theory suggests that as people get older, they become more selective in the pursuit of their goals by prioritizing goals capable of leading to positive and more meaningful emotions; a sharp contrast to young people who pursue goals with the sole purpose of acquiring knowledge. Old people with less time to live or shorter life spans tend to shift their priority from future-oriented goals to present-oriented goals. Their goals shift to emotional gratification and they prioritize only meaningful experiences like stronger relationships with families and close friends and also savoring favorite experiences.

3 years ago