QAHistory › William Penn’s colony’s long-term survival has been attributed to its:

William Penn’s colony’s long-term survival has been attributed to its:

A. Mineral Wealth

B. Natural location

C. Religious freedom

D. Ethnic and religious diversity


Answer: D. Ethnic and religious diversity

William Penn was well known for his belief that every person should be allowed to seek and worship God in his or her preferred way, with the idea that it would help foster tolerance amongst worshippers, and ultimately build a stronger government. He founded Pennsylvania and opened its doors to people of diverse faiths and religious beliefs. Other than diverse religions, William Penn also allowed and went as far as inviting people from diverse ethnic groups to come and settle in his colony, giving them land and jobs. He did this because he recognized that he needed different people with different types of skills to help build his colony.

The diversity did help foster good relations amongst the people and leaders and was a representation of how people of different backgrounds could build a colony and make it prosperous.

3 years ago