QA › Biology

Biology answers to 194 questions

Irradiation is a process that involves exposing an object to radiation with the intent of eliminating harmful pathogens or microorganisms that may be present on or in said object. The degree of radiation is regulated so that it effectively eliminates…
The answer is false. The intravenous method of transmitting drugs has nothing to do with swallowing the drug. Drugs can be introduced into the body or taken in a number of ways, some of these ways are through swallowing (orally),…
Answer: B. diffusion The areas within and outside a cell are at different concentrations, so any form of transport into and out of them must happen through a system that can overcome this concentration gradient. Diffusion is the movement of…
Answer: B. all systems work together to maintain homeostasis The human body is designed in such a way that all the cells, tissues, organs, and systems work together to achieve a level of balance, and ensure that the body is…
Answer: B. dietary patterns Dietary pattern is the quality, quantity, diversity, and combinations of various foods and beverages in one's diet, and how frequently they are eaten. Adhering to a balanced dietary pattern greatly improves mental and physical state. It…
Answer: c. It is the same as the DNA in one of your liver cells. The correct answer is C, the DNA in one of your brain cells is the same as the DNA in one of your liver cells.…
Answer: C. Diabetes During a routine blood test, a series of tests are carried out to detect the presence of foreign properties in the body, as well as identify them. In a routine blood test, chronic diseases can sometimes be…
Answer: D) calcium and vitamin D Osteoporosis is a medical condition that forms several pores along the bones, causing them to be more absorbent and more prone to fractures. This condition is more common amongst women who are experiencing menopause,…
Answer: 1. right atrium Blood is transported into the heart via the inferior and superior vena cava — two large veins that pump deoxygenated blood into the heart. The superior vena cava empties this deoxygenated blood into the right atrium,…
Answer: b. millions There are more than one trillion cells in the human body. These cells include the nerve cells or neurons which conduct nerve impulses and the glial cells in the nervous system which support the neurons. The human…
Sensory memory At every stage in the life of a living organism, its sensory receptors record sensory information that is transmitted to the brain via the nervous system. This kind of information is stored in sensory memory and moves to…
Answer: C. They have two germ layers. The phylum Porifera consists of the sponges. They are organisms that possess both the ectoderm and endoderm layers. That means that they have two germ layers. In the options provided above, the third…
Answer: D. Ground Beef should be stored above Chicken In the storage of food items in a refrigerator there are specific protocols that should be followed. Already-made foods are stored on the topmost section of the refrigerator. The second section…
Answer: The correct answer is A. Seed cones contain ovules. The Gymnosperms are plants whose seeds are not covered in an ovary. They are seed-producing plants with conifers and cycads being two popular gymnosperms. The seeds of gymnosperms are not…
Answer: C. enhanced ability of the organism to reproduce A balance in the number of chromosomes in humans is extremely important. If not, certain abnormalities may occur. Chromosomes carry our genetic material responsible for controlling body cells. An alteration in…
Answer: False The Body Mass Index (BMI) of a healthy female is below 30 — with a higher range of 24. If a woman has a body fat of 30%, her Body Mass Index is 30. This means she is…
Answer: 3. Larval urochordates and adult cephalochordates Urochordata and Cephalochordata are the two subphylums of Chordata. Urochordata are living organisms that have a notochord present in the posterior part of their body that forms a tail at their larval stage.…
Answer: 2. Elongated sporophyte The division of Bryophyta consists of three different types of bryophytes. The bryophytes include the hornworts, the liverworts, and the mosses. Although all plants under the division Bryophyta are non-vascular, they have unique features that separate…
Answer: B. An increase in fluid taken by mouth would reduce the amount produced by metabolism. The other statements are correct except this one. This is because the amount of fluid or water produced through metabolism is totally independent of…
Answer: B Adaptations occur due to evolutionary factors. Evolution is the biological change a species undergoes over a very long time frame. The mutation of genes is the main reason why adaptation happens. Mutation can be highly beneficial for animals…
Answer: 1,3,4 Involution is simply the transition or change of form and size of an organ from its newer size to its previous or initial size. This phenomenon is often observed at the cellular level of life and occurs as…
Narcotics are known to be one of the most effective painkillers in the world. It is often legally given to patients who are experiencing great levels of pain. In certain situations, narcotics may be the only option for alleviating severe…
True Succession occurs after ecosystems experience some type of disruptive event Ecological succession is the steady and gradual change in a species of a particular area concerning changes in the environment. When the change in the ecosystem is disruptive, the…
Answer 1. The research done by Gregor Mendel formed the basis of the field of genetics. Genetics is the study of heredity in general and of specific genes. Genetics is one of the central pillars of biology. And it is…
True. Ectomorphs are people who were born looking long and lean. Their body length is usually long in proportions. They are slender, and they find it difficult to gain weight no matter the diet they are placed on. Most full-body…
In a protein, there are 4 different levels or types of structures: the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures. The secondary structure of a protein is the formation of either a beta helix an alpha helix, or a random coil…
Plants need carbon dioxide, and the way they absorb it from the environment is with the help of their leaves. On the underside of a leaf, there are countless tiny holes called the stomata. The carbon dioxide that a plant…
In humans, there are 3 different blood types: A, B, and O, and each one of these blood types have a different allele. For the A and B blood types, the alleles that code for each one of them are…
The heart is a muscular organ in the body that pumps blood throughout the body. It is divided into 4 chambers, the right atrium, the left atrium, the right ventricle, and the left ventricle. The upper chambers of the heart…
In the circulatory system of living organisms, the most common case is of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart, flowing or being carried in separate channels or paths. This, however, is not the case for all living organisms, as…