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History answers to 115 questions

During WWI, Americans changed the name of hamburgers to liberty sandwiches following the German etymology of “hamburger.” The meal appeared first in the 1840s, at a time when there many German immigrants in the US due to political motives. The…
The move from peacetime to wartime production was a difficult task that required the involvement of a specialized arm of the government known as the War Production Board (WPB). This agency oversaw war material production, distributed them and set the…
Cultural imposition is the tendency of a person or a group of persons to believe that their cultural beliefs and values must be dominant over the rest. As a result, they will tend to impose their values and behavioural patterns…
The Missouri Nonpartisan Court Plan, also known as the Missouri Plan came up with a means of choosing judges. The plan started in Missouri but was later moved to other states of America.  In this plan, a commission is put…
Answer: 3. The two main sources of a president's informal powers are access to the media and the president's position as party leader. The democratic president of a country is granted formal and informal powers. Formal powers include final control…
Jesus Christianity was first introduced by a man named Jesus. He claimed to be the son of God and was identified as a healer and teacher. He was crucified by the Roman Empire in Judea. His death was labeled as…
Answer: 4. Must follow decisions made by the central government A unitary system of government is a government where there is a single supreme government that controls all other subdivisions. This type of government is the opposite of a federal…
The commerce and slave trade compromise was a consensus between Northern and Southern America, where they agreed not to interrupt slave trades for a minimum of 20 years while also receiving tax from state exports. The Compromise resulted in a…
Jamaica is correct. Concerning the remaining options - Puerto Rico was occupied during the Spanish-American War in 1898, Haiti - back in 1915, and The Dominican Republic was under occupation of US in 1916.
The industrial revolution was between the period of the late 1700s and the early 1800s. This revolution changed the structure of organizations and the types of jobs available at the time. It began in Great Britain and spread to all…
315 Views escape invading Lombards from the north. The invasion of the Lombards went unopposed till they conquered Italy. The Lombards crossed to the Julian Alps in the spring of 568. Their arrival in the Italian peninsula was in the late…
Utilitarianism is a form of the broader ethical theory of consequentialism. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that embodies morality. Right or wrong is determined by how much happiness or pleasure your actions bring to the people around you. If what…
Emperor Nero added singing to the Olympics events in 66 AD. According to history, Emperor Nero was not good at any athletic activity. However, he had the political power to do almost anything he liked. He first created Greek Games…
The Supreme Court has ruled that the large area of eastern Oklahoma belong to native Americans. The implications of this ruling will have effects on the sovereignty of native Americans. This ruling came about as a result of the case…
To save the union. Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist and many thoughts that he would make ending the slave trade his main goal. However, he made his primary goal very clear in his letter to Horace Greeley. Lincoln wrote, "I…
The two were both popular army generals. George Washington and Andrew Jackson were the first and seventh President of the United States respectively. Before becoming President, George fought and won the war for independence. Andrew Jackson fought various wars, with…
The US Declaration of Independence is the statement that was made and adopted in 1776 by the meeting held by the Second Continental Congress in Pennsylvania. The pronouncement gave explanations why the thirteen colonies at that time, fighting Great Britain…
Democracy is heavily determined by the engagements that happen between political institutions and the impact created on the citizens. These interactions are critical for the success of democracy. As citizens interact inside and outside these political parties, they access unique…
Before the appearance of impressionism, for a long time the only recognized artistic method was realism. Throughout centuries, artists painted relatively the same motifs, and although many painters possessed their own style, in general it can be said that there…
For a long time, the American economy was war-oriented; this means that the economic growth of the United States originates from maintaining a war footing. After each of the big wars the United States were involved in, their economy experienced…
The reason why the British thought taxing the colonists of the future United States was a good idea is because the Kingdom, in the middle of the 18th century, had almost drained its treasury, spending money on numerous military campaigns,…
It is really hard to choose between a wide variety of talented and famous artists who worked in the United States in the 20th century, so the following list is more or less subjective. Besides, the list comprises artists who,…
Mayans are well-known as great pottery makers. They did not use the pottery wheel. However,the tecnique they used was coiling consecutive rings of clay on top of each other and smoothing the surface by hand. Also, they were good when…
Romans aspired to create conservative buildings. Architects continued to use columns even when they were not needed to preserve a building's structural integrity. Arches were used to create taller and wider structures. Roman architects also used interior arches to support…
Indeed, the growth of population in the future United States in 18th century was astonishing. By 1730, the population of all 13 colonies was about 655,000 people; however, only 45 years later the amount of colonists reached 2.5 million (this…