QABiology › What can be the cause of weakened muscle and kidney functioning?

What can be the cause of weakened muscle and kidney functioning?

A. Too little potassium

B. Too much potassium

C. Too little calcium

D. Too much calcium


Answer: D. Too much calcium

Too much calcium will lead to weakened muscle and low functionality of the kidney. While calcium is very important in bone strengthening and also for a healthy lifestyle, it becomes detrimental if taken in very excess quantities. The urinary tract can become infected as a result of the bladder overworking, anomalous increase in blood pressure, and kidney infection are some negative repercussions of consuming too much calcium. An increase or decrease in potassium intake is more likely to cause heart pressure and nausea. For medical conditions, patients take calcium to check their GFR and also multiple sclerosis.

3 years ago