QALiterature › What type of literature combines the amusing and the grim sides of life?

What type of literature combines the amusing and the grim sides of life?

A. Satire

B. Tragicomedy

C. Informational writing

D. Realistic drama


Answer: B. Tragicomedy.

Satire is a literary device that is employed to portray a character or trait in an exaggerated manner in order to provoke a change. Some examples of satires include political cartoons and caricatures drawn in newspapers.

Informational writing refers to literature written to pass across certain information to readers. Scholarly journals, lesson plans, encyclopedias, and newspapers are great examples of informational writing.

Realistic drama refers to drama that consists of elements that are real, accurate, practical, etc.

Tragicomedy is a literary device that combines elements of tragedy and comedy in a work of literature. E.g. The Merchant of Venice.

3 years ago