QAEconomics › Which one of the following is NOT a way to improve the S/Q rating of branded pairs produced at a particular plant?

Which one of the following is NOT a way to improve the S/Q rating of branded pairs produced at a particular plant?

a. Increasing the percentage use of superior materials

b. Increasing expenditures for enhanced styling/features

c. Increasing expenditures for TQM/Six Sigma programs

d. Increasing expenditures for best practices training for the plant's work force

e. Increasing the number of models/styles produced


All the steps above disqualify options A to D, and the correct answer, therefore, is option E, increasing the number/model of styles produced.

S/Q stands for styling quality, and it refers to the appearance or style and quality of the materials used in creating a product. In improving the S/Q rating of a product at a particular plant, some of the steps to take would involve improving the quality of products used in creating the products.

Besides increasing the quality of materials used, increasing the expenditure for better styling, and training the plant staff will also improve the product S/Q rating.

3 years ago