QAEconomics › Customer loyalty will likely fall when:

Customer loyalty will likely fall when:

A. customer service measures are subpar.

B. another food establishment opens next door.

C. there are new employees in the kitchen.

D. using a new brand of canned foods.


Answer: A. customer service measures are subpar.

Customer loyalty will likely fall if customer service measures are subpar.

Customer service is one of the most effective customer retention strategies for any company. Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal to your products, make repeat purchases, and spread the word with friends and families. The importance of customer service is tied to increased customer value and overall revenue because the majority of business revenue comes from repeat customers, with the value of retention being better than new customers. If a company’s customer service is of a lesser accepted standard, customer retention becomes negligible. Providing products with low or bad service components will result in ending up loyalty with customers. Customers not only use the products but also demand valuable and spontaneous service measures.


3 years ago