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History answers to 115 questions

Answer: 3. Christianity became legal to practice. In the 4th century, Roman emperor Constantine accepted Christianity, and the Edict of Milan was birthed in 313. This edict stated specifically that practicing Christianity was now legal, and it led to the…
Answer: 4. The Persians had destroyed it During the wars between Greece and Persia (480 BC to 479 BC), Athens was destroyed. After the war in 479 BCE, the Greeks had to rebuild their city, Athens from the ground up…
Answer: 1. by declaring some of it unconstitutional The program deemed unconstitutional was the Agricultural Adjustment Act and the National Recovery Administration. The Supreme Court declared them unconstitutional because Roosevelt was using his authority as president unlawfully: the federal government…
Answer: 2. He defied the Congress on the appointment of cabinet members Andrew Johnson's defiance of the Congress on their stand on the appointment of cabinet members best describes the underlying reason for his impeachment. Option number 2 is therefore…
Answer: 3. developing Catholic schools in cities. The Americanization Movement was created with the aim of ultimately converting immigrants and foreigners into Americans. They did this by making the immigrants learn English in public schools, take night classes where American…
Answer: A) He hopes that the president will take immediate action to curb segregation laws at the federal level. Jackie Robinson was a major league, Baseball player. He was the first African- American to play in that capacity. He wrote…
Answer: 2. The law became a model for other North American colonies. The Maryland Toleration Act was the first law protecting the rights of Christians outside the Catholic faith in the colonies. It brought about a statute to embrace religious…
Answer: D. It was the only civilization in early America without a structured government. Mayans did not have a single emperor. Due to their cultural preferences, Mayans often raided other villages to find live sacrifices for their gods. Their culture…
Answer: 4. The loss of topsoil on the Great Plains resulted in people migrating to northeastern cities The Dust Bowl was the term coined in dry periods of the 1930s for the drastic dust storms that ravaged the Southern Plains…
Answer: a. Christianity and Islam Illuminated manuscripts were handwritten books whose texts had silver or golden inscriptions. They were used by Christian and Islamic scholars. These manuscripts were first made by the monks in the abbey before they became increasingly…
Answer: 1. Renaissance The Renaissance period lasted for about three hundred years. It began in the fourteenth century and lasted Up to the seventeenth century. This period saw an immense development in European history. Politics, economics, culture, and European arts…
Answer: 1 Margaret Sanger is known to have played an extremely important role in the legalization of birth control measures. In 1916 she opened a birth control clinic in the United States which led to her subsequent arrest. She was…
The year written as MCMLXIX is 1969. In 1969, one of the major events that happened was Apollo 11’s flight mission. This was the mission that recorded the first man landing on the moon in the person of Neil Armstrong.…
No The subject of the discussion centered around Fresco, Mosaic, and Manuscript illumination. The cultural practice was the roman style. The two major symbols used to identify the religion was the cross, and the second was the cross with Jesus…
The Western European civilization has been described to be the resulting combination of the influence of Roman culture, the Christian Church, and some brute, archaic culture, and customs. The Eastern Roman Empire was more conforming to Greek societies, such that…
The Renaissance has influenced our modern society by its contribution to modern day works of art. Through the Renaissance movement, craftsmanship made its way to northern Europe, a new church was created, and the Catholic Church went through a reformation.…
The first Jamestown settlers faced several problems, including hostility from the resident Indians, starvation, poor government, as well as administrative control. The starvation was mostly due to the settlers' failure to cultivate their crops early on, so they quickly ran…
Although the Columbian exchange is said to have had some positive outcomes, the negative outcomes far outweigh and outlast many of the said positive outcomes. The appearance of Christopher Columbus in the Americas facilitated the spreading of plants, pathogens, and…
Answer: 1. The Christian cause In his letters to the different churches, Apostle Paul stresses that every believer's chief duty is to promote the Christian cause which seeks to save all that are yet unsaved. Seeing as Christ's gift of…
Answer: 2. Litigation between believers. Paul's first letter to the church in Corinth sought to address many moral issues that stemmed from the diversity of God worshippers in the synagogue. Although Corinth was one of Paul's most successful missionary assignments,…
Answer: To "walk by the Spirit." According to Apostle Paul, anyone who walks by the Spirit would put their flesh under subjection, such that they are now led by the Spirit and the unfruitful works of darkness will have no…
Answer: Tithing/ faithfulness to covenants. In Malachi, the prophet Malachi prophesies over Israel that because they have dishonored God by bringing worthless items as their tithes, they have robbed Him and that God has rejected them. God also offers them…
During the Cold War (1945), Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States thought of a strategic way to reduce the damage the United States suffered through the war, and he created a doctrine to that effect. The Nixon…
Answer: A. U.S. Sailors had been briefly arrested. Explanation: In an incident known as the "Dolphin incident", the U.S. President, Wilson, claimed that the Victoriano Huerta led administration allowed the arrest of some U.S. sailors while they were on an…
Answer: C. Immigration Act. Explanation: The Great Society program was created to mitigate the problems of racial injustice and poverty. During this time, projects were centered around providing good education, transportation, medical services, etc. The Immigration Act was enacted in…
Answer: A. They found barter more convenient than the use of money. Early settlers of the New World still held onto the barter trade because while no laws limited coin distribution, it was hard to come by, so coins the…
There are different ways of ruling execution and that is what mainly differentiates totalitarian regimes from authoritarian ones. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of a democratic government just like in a totalitarian regime. Authoritarian power is vested in…
A challenge that modern presidents face is leading their political party – choice A. The president of the US is the de facto leader of the political party that he used to get into office. The political party is the…
During the Korean War, General MacArthur took the city of Inchon by striking in an area far away from where the fighting had been concentrated – choice A. This was a mission led by the US marines that took charge…
In a unitary system of government, the power of government is allocated to only one unit. In other words, there is only one central system of government in a unitary system of government. In a federal system of government, the…