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Literature answers to 83 questions

In medieval literature, the word “romance” is most closely associated with stories of the great King Arthur and his legendary knights of the round table. In medieval literature, romance and romantic themes were used when members of the lower nobility…
Answer: C. Not having real substance. George Bernard Shaw, a critic of many literary works in the early 19th century, described The Importance of Being Earnest as not having real substance. By this, he meant that although Wilde sought to…
Answer: B. At the end of the introduction When preparing an outline, the specific purpose statement should appear at the end or immediately after the introduction. To do this, enough can be communicated using strong key points and points to…
Answer: C. Our genes Culture can be described as the entirety of the way of life of a group of people. It includes practices, values, beliefs, traditions, and other aspects that are learned or observed across generations. Genes are transferred…
Answer: B. Charity. According to Foot, charity is a virtue that benefits the community rather than self because it promotes the protection of the rights of others. While temperance, wisdom and courage are virtues that lie within the same construct,…
Apparently, Gertrude is not aware of the misdeeds of Claudius as the play unveils. However, she begins to doubt her assertions as the events unfold. Her beliefs are undermined after Hamlet kills Polonius and blames his mother for betrayal. He…
The paradox presented in the poem “Homework” is best explained by choice C - though an international clean-up is needed, the solution is not as simple as cleaning laundry. The paradox presented to the reader in this poem is defined…
The author develops the marital harmony theme through plot details – choice B. Look Homeward, Angel: A Story of the Buried Life is a novel written by Thomas Wolfe in 1929. The main character in this story is Eugene Gant…
The sentences from “A Modest Proposal” that use quotation marks properly are: A) Swift explains that landlords “seem to have the best title to the children.” D) Swift writes, “I think the advantages by the proposal which I have made…
Puns are a display of wordplay featuring words that may sound alike but have different meanings. They elicit humor. In act 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Benvolio tries to convince Romeo to sneak into the ball organized by the Capulets.…
George killed Lennie at the end of "Of Mice And Men" because, as his friend, he felt that he owed him a quick and painless death. It was a mercy killing, one that Curley was incapable of, judging from his…
Even though Hamlet was presented with several opportunities to have killed Claudius, he didn't. This is because he thought killing Claudius would be granting him the mercy he didn't deserve. Though saddened by his father's murder by his uncle, Claudius,…
At the end of the short story, information is lost as well as a person’s life.  At the end of the story, the author is contemplating what knowledge they have lost following the demise of Abdul Karim. The writer uses…
In “The Importance of Being Earnest” is a play full of irony to pass on word meanings that are the exact opposite of the actual ones. For instance, the word absurd is used to emphasize the absurdity and irrationality of human…
Answer: D) Actively advocates the idea of fighting for equal treatment Langston Hughes was an African American poet that was dissatisfied with the ill-treatment received by African American’s. He wished for black people to protest and fight against the bondage…
Act V of Hamlet brings out a vital theme showing that forgiveness is much better than revenge. Hamlet advances this theme in a scene where he asks for Laertes forgiveness and this is core to the evidence of the theme…
Soma in the brave new world is a drug issued for free to all the World State citizens in small doses. It makes the users feel good when taken in the recommended small doses. When used in large amounts, it…
Nineteen Eighty-Four is a novel simply known as 1984. It is a dystopian social science fiction work written by George Orwell and published in 1949. In this work of literature, big brother represents the Oceania oppressive government organized by the…
Every work of literature has thematic concerns that the authors pass on to the readers. Moby Dick is not an exception. Thought the story, Moby Dick and his whiteness are presented as a symbol of various things that include Mother…
A close look and analysis of chapter 28 of Moby-Dick symbolize an obsession with the past. This is seen in Ahab's plight as the writer shows how the surrounding has influenced and affected Ahab.  This is the highlight of the…
American literature has been shaped over the years through the eyes of great writers and poets. Among those is Edgar Allan Poe is acknowledged for his contribution to writing detective story and horror literature. The detective story is unique writing…
Edgar Allan Poe might be passing on a moral message by creating an emotional tone in “The Dall of the House of Usher.” He has put a specific emphasis on fear, looming doom and guilt around Roderick Usher, who is…
The romantic period is a vital pillar in the history of literature and contributed immensely to modern writing. Notable features during this period was the poetry done by the writers then. They were concerned with the beauty of nature and…