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Literature answers to 83 questions

Answer: A The excerpt projects the description of Odysseus' home (hall) by a character. The character gave a beautiful description of the place and how important it was. The character also described the uniqueness of the hall by saying there…
William Shakespeare William Shakespeare's grave carries this inscription as its epitaph. Shakespeare is considered by many, the greatest writer of all time. Born in Warwickshire, England, his contribution to English Language and literature is immense. William Shakespeare lived between the…
Frustrated The speaker’s tone in “Harlem” carries a strong hint of frustration. A lot of negative words and phrases are present to depict the frustration in the poem. One would come across words and phrases like “fester” and “stink like…
The Nautilus is the name of a ship. It is quite famous for how it got trapped inside a tunnel. It reached the South Pole and then got imprisoned in a tunnel of ice. It was stuck there for quite…
When stories are told in second person format, the reader is usually made to feel like a character in the book. The second person point of view is the person being addressed in the statement. This is referred to as…
a. acts. An act can simply be described as a form of play that is characterized by certain subjects such as resolution, action, and climax. An act can also be said to be an important aspect of theatrical activities. An…
Voldemort wanted to kill Harry because, above all else, he wanted to avert the prophecy. While it is true that he chose Harry Potter unbeknownst to him (it could have been Neville Longbottom), the protective spell of love he triggered…
On several visits to the tree on the Radley property, Jem and Scout uncover several items. On one occasion, when Scout reaches into the knothole of Radley's tree, she comes up with a couple of sticks of chewing gum and…
"Romeo and Juliet", is replete with personification, and one example is when Friar Lawrence is picking blossoms for his different potions. He says: "The dim ey'd morn blesses the grimacing night, Check'ring the Eastern mists with dashes of light." In…
A dramatic irony is a literary device that is used to refer to a moment where something about a literary presentation has already been revealed to the audience but is unknown by characters in the presentation. Dramatic irony is seen…
The wallpaper represents the abuse that numerous ladies of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's age felt under the establishment of marriage. It additionally represents the mental barriers men endeavored to impose on ladies during the 1800s. It is also a strategic portrayal…
Tituba is a remarkable character in the play. She is the only black individual in the town of Salem, and a slave of the Reverend Parris. Tituba remains generally unseen, and her voice stays quiet because of her low social…
"Sonnet 18" by Williams Shakespeare can be described as one long metaphor, where the person speaking makes a comparison between his beloved and a summer's day. He goes on to emphasize that his beloved is more *temperate" than the summer,…
Mockingbirds are said to signify innocence, fragility and altruism because it is harmless and simply sings, but it is hunted and mindlessly killed by children and hunters. In the same way, Tom Robinson represents an innocent mockingbird that, although he…
The moral of the "Wife of Bath's Tale" is that women be allowed to dominate or exercise sovereignty over the men in their lives. The old hag depicted this clearly. According to the old hag, whether they were beautiful or…
Several characters in "Fahrenheit 451" found ways of describing inanimate and unnatural elements as animate beings and comparing them with things that are abundant in nature. Sometimes, it was almost as if these things had become one with nature themselves.…
With today's medical technology, Rosicky could have had his health problems detected early, and he would have been placed on a treatment plan. Being that he was 65, his treatment would have been provided for by Medicare. Also, when he…
Being "not born of a woman", in its crudest sense, translates to a modern day cesarean section. When Macbeth went to the three witches to inquire about his fate from them, they gave him a prophecy and assured him that…
Odysseus was an epic hero who used his superhuman thinking, leadership, and cunning abilities to navigate his adventure and return home. In the story, Odysseus is seen as an epic hero for his role as Ithaca's King, his involvement in…
Among other lessons from the story Cinderella, one of the most valuable themes is the emphasis on being kind to other people. Despite the ill-treatment Cinderella received from her stepmother and step-sisters, there was no doubt that Cinderella had a…
In Désiréé's Baby, Kate Chopin sought to bring to light the subliminal and blatant racism that was still in place over 20 years after the slave trade was abolished. The themes explored in the book include racism (as seen in…
The line from the "Still Alarm" by George S. Kaufman that has parody in it is the first fireman: We're the firemen, Mr. Barclay. (They remove their hats). In literary devices, a parody aims at depicting a specific individual or other…
Answer: B. Tragicomedy. Satire is a literary device that is employed to portray a character or trait in an exaggerated manner in order to provoke a change. Some examples of satires include political cartoons and caricatures drawn in newspapers. Informational…
Answer: A. Elizabethan literature. Elizabethan literature refers to literary works produced during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st (1558 to 1603). William Shakespeare was perhaps the most popular playwright during the second half or the reign of Queen Elizabeth…
Answer: D. Human psychology. Humanism as a school of thought sought to bring to the spotlight the system of thought that supported a person's ability to make decisions based on their own freewill, and not as a result of predestination.…
Answer: C. It bases its overall plot on actual historical events. Nonfiction refers to any literature or media content that seeks to describe or make known factual and accurate information about people, places, events, history, etc. Literary nonfiction uses similar…
Answer: D. Writers usually wrote prose that was precise, effortless, and witty. Neoclassical literature was a style of literature that existed between 1660 and 1800. This literature type was composed mostly between the 17th century and the 18th century. The…
Answer: God, Religious persecution and Interaction with American Indians. During the colonial era, writing literature about any of the nobility could result in serious consequences, so not many people were bold enough to write about them. At that time, literature…
In literature, the word "parallax" is used to describe a situation where the writer narrates a series of events while using the points of view of different characters. "Parallactic narration" refers to the situation where a story or situation is…
In Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Ned's plan of escape once the Nautilus had entered the Mediterranean sea was to use the lifeboat to facilitate his escape with Conseil and Aronnax. They planned to escape while the captain was…