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Cultural adaptation can be defined as the process and time taken for an individual or a group to fully adopt or adapt to a foreign aspect of culture and be comfortable enough to perpetuate it. During cultural adaptation, an individual…
Odysseus was an epic hero who used his superhuman thinking, leadership, and cunning abilities to navigate his adventure and return home. In the story, Odysseus is seen as an epic hero for his role as Ithaca's King, his involvement in…
A family life cycle refers to a sequence of stages or milestones through which a family often journeys as life progresses. Typically, a family life cycle involves (a) starting a family, (b) giving birth to or adopting children, (c) rearing…
Although both the anteater and the aardvark look alike and have the same diet, there are several differences between the two different species of animals. For example, while anteaters belong to the order "Tubulidentata", aardvarks belong to the "Pilosa" order.…
A service economy refers to a type or sector of an economy that is specially dedicated towards the provision of services, rather than the production or manufacture of products or commodities. Some service economy jobs are teaching, midwifery, laundry services,…
For every metric measurement that is done, one must first understand the importance of the density of the said liquid. That being said, if one has 1 liter of water it would weigh exactly 1000 grams (or 1 kilogram) because…
Among other lessons from the story Cinderella, one of the most valuable themes is the emphasis on being kind to other people. Despite the ill-treatment Cinderella received from her stepmother and step-sisters, there was no doubt that Cinderella had a…
Intragenerational mobility (also referred to as intragenerational social mobility) refers to the social movements a person makes throughout the duration of their life. i.e. how a person's social status changes with their interaction with different members of the same generation…
In geography and cartology, a map legend, also known as a key, is used to refer to a device used to represent the series of information contained in a map. A legend or key comprises symbols, lines, patterns, etc. used…
Coniferous trees have needles in place of leaves, while deciduous trees have broad leaves. Coniferous trees retain the color of their needles when it's Fall, while the leaves of deciduous trees change color during the Fall. Coniferous trees have no…
Temporal words are words that are used to show how time passes, or how a series of events move sequentially when elements in a story are being brought together. Temporal words are time-related. They function as helpers and prompters for…
A formal region is a geographical location, area, etc. that is inhabited by a population that has one or more consistent characteristics, physical attributes, cultural attributes, etc. in common. Typically, formal regions are designed to work in a uniform, organized…
Culture refers to a set of rules, designs, patterns, etc. that are specific to a group of people as part of their way of life; these patterns seek to establish unity within a social construct or group, in a way…
In Désiréé's Baby, Kate Chopin sought to bring to light the subliminal and blatant racism that was still in place over 20 years after the slave trade was abolished. The themes explored in the book include racism (as seen in…
"Hence" is a conjunctive adverb that expresses the relationship between cause and effect in a statement. "Hence" can be replaced with "therefore", "as a result", etc., and should be immediately followed by a comma usually when a semicolon precedes it.…
Starfish are a group of echinoderms that feed on corals, clams, oysters, sponges, mussels, small barnacles, and other small aquatic organisms. Typically, starfish eat almost anything that attaches itself to a rock, or that doesn't move away fast enough. If…
The most ideal way to ensure parallel construction when writing an essay is to make sure to use a similar sentence structure from paragraph to paragraph. This means repeating a chosen form of grammar or grammatical structure within a sentence.…
The line from the "Still Alarm" by George S. Kaufman that has parody in it is the first fireman: We're the firemen, Mr. Barclay. (They remove their hats). In literary devices, a parody aims at depicting a specific individual or other…
Subliminal messages are messages or signals that move straight to the subconscious mind, causing them to exist outside the confines of perception. The fact that a message is subliminal doesn't mean that it can't be perceived or processed by the…
Answer: B. Buyers and sellers. In a market-oriented economy, the amount of a good that is produced is primarily decided by the interaction between the buyers and the sellers, in that the terms of transactions are decided on by all…
Answer: B. More productive. Capitalism is a system of government that promotes the private ownership of businesses, as well as the cost of production and the profits garnered. Unlike the socialist system, the capitalist system is considered more productive because…
Answer: B. Working capital. The daily financial operations of a firm are primarily controlled by managing the working capital, which is the monitoring of a company's assets and liabilities to establish a steady flow of resources to enable the company…
Answer: B. Sporophyte. In seedless plants, a fertilized egg will develop into a sporophyte (i.e. the diploid phase of the life cycle of a plant), which produces spores by meiosis to give rise to gametophytes, which then produce gametes by…
Answer: 1. Together Supply and demand coordinate to determine prices by working together, as an increase in one results in a corresponding increase in the other. Inherently, both demand and supply work together to dictate the price of goods and…
Answer: E. MYSQL MYSQL is a data-based programming language that is used to manipulate the data in the databases. Javascript is a client-side programming language. PHP is a server-side programming language Ruby is a programming language that can be used…
Solution: E = 1400 N/C, The electron's initial speed (V1) = 0ms, M = 9.11x10^-31 kg, Q = 1.60x10^-19 C. 1. F (electric force exerted on the electron) is expressed as: F = Eq A (magnitude of the acceleration of…
Answer: B. Vascular tissue and seeds. Gymnosperms and angiosperms both have vascular tissues that exist to function specifically in the transportation and distribution of water, organic compounds, minerals, etc. throughout the plant. Whether it's hidden within the fruit (like in…
Answer: D. Potential for healthy growth. The humanistic approach is centered around the total development of an individual, with respect to how every aspect of their development is connected to their individual potentials, ensuring the proper growth and development of…
Answer: 2. Federal system. Central and state governments influence each other in a federal system. The federal system of government is one that combines both the central (or national government) and the state government (or local government). While the central…
Answer 4) Shapes the debate and controls legislative agenda. The US Congress places a great importance on the political parties because party affiliation shapes the debate and controls the legislative agenda. Although political parties are not government institutions on their…