QAHistory › Which Athenian ruler made democratic reforms including setting up salaries for public officials?

Which Athenian ruler made democratic reforms including setting up salaries for public officials?

A. Alexander The Great

B. Solon

C. Socrates

D. Pericles


Answer: D. Pericles

The rules of Pericles paved the way for the ‘radical majority rules system’ in Athens. No existing country then used the majority rule framework in its administration and this made the rule to be tagged radical. During this era, the democratic system of Athens thrived so much and was consistent in winning the favors of the citizens and the representative of the people. With this, public officials were starting to be recognized and acknowledged.

The existence of the jobs persisted as they were the major factors that led to the acknowledgement of these public officials. In the Athenian culture, the golden age flourished so well under the Pericles’ leadership. With this Pericles was the Athenian ruler responsible for the democratic reforms that paved the way for the setting up of salaries for public officials.

3 years ago