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Economics answers to 155 questions

Answer: D. Must accrue interest earned on the debt securities. Debt securities can be defined as financial assets that designate their owner to a series of interest payments. Debt securities, as opposed to equity securities, mandate the debtor to pay…
Answer: D. pricing The pattern of demand can be altered by pricing. That is, when the prices of similar products from different competitors change, it will most likely affect the demand for your product. The demand curve is often drawn…
Answer: C. generates increased employee commitment. Internal recruiting is a strategy used by some companies when they are looking for employees who are competent and highly committed to their jobs. Instead of seeking for external candidates to occupy a vacant…
Answer: Personal loans, Credit Cards, Mortgages, and Auto Loans Personal Loans are taken by a borrower. The borrower regularly pays this loan between 2-5 years on installment but in fixed amounts. Credit Cards are cards given to a holder that…
Answer: D The correct answer to this question is "is the website well-known?". This is correct because every other criterion in the options is extremely important in determining the quality of web content. However, the popularity of a website doesn't…
a. The individual’s taste and preference of buyers. Demand can be described as the economic principle that shows the consumer’s desire to buy goods and services by paying the amount that has been specified for the service. The concept of…
Answer 3. Marketing helps consumers learn about new products and services One way consumers find out about products is through marketing. A product can be amazing but without proper marketing, there would be no way consumers would get to know…
The key components of the architecture American Express has created were the ability to do business in many more effective ways by maximizing and properly utilizing new payment methods and mobile devices. This was made possible through the building and…
Answer: C. Evaluating investment alternatives. Capital budgeting refers to the process undertaken by a business venture or company in order to assess the profit making potential of alternative investment ventures. It is a way for companies to measure, keep track…
Answer: A. The debit card company’s M1 funds. A company's M1 funds are the basic money supply a country has, which it dispenses as a legal tender for buying and selling. M1 funds comprise of deposits for demands and checking…
Answer: 4. A company whose products differ in batch size and complexity and consume different amounts of overhead resources. An overhead rate refers to a single overhead percentage that an industry or a company spends in order to allocate its…
The term "consumer sovereignty" is used to describe an economic phenomenon where the consumer determines what the market should provide. It means that the general success of the production of goods and services is decided by what the consumer has…
"Macroenvironmental factors" is used to refer to the general or overall economy, taking into consideration, the major things that affect it as a whole, rather than the things that affect specific regions or sectors (microenvironmental factors). Their effects are mostly…
A service economy refers to a type or sector of an economy that is specially dedicated towards the provision of services, rather than the production or manufacture of products or commodities. Some service economy jobs are teaching, midwifery, laundry services,…
Answer: B. Buyers and sellers. In a market-oriented economy, the amount of a good that is produced is primarily decided by the interaction between the buyers and the sellers, in that the terms of transactions are decided on by all…
Answer: B. More productive. Capitalism is a system of government that promotes the private ownership of businesses, as well as the cost of production and the profits garnered. Unlike the socialist system, the capitalist system is considered more productive because…
Answer: B. Working capital. The daily financial operations of a firm are primarily controlled by managing the working capital, which is the monitoring of a company's assets and liabilities to establish a steady flow of resources to enable the company…
Answer: 1. Together Supply and demand coordinate to determine prices by working together, as an increase in one results in a corresponding increase in the other. Inherently, both demand and supply work together to dictate the price of goods and…
Answer: 2, 4, 5. Measuring how much the economy produces, studying the economy of another country, and tracking the unemployment rate. Economists use the above to measure how an economy grows and to examine the viability of making investments in…
Answer: 1. Maintain tariffs. International trade organizations promote free trade by encouraging countries to maintain or reduce tariffs. Free trade encourages the exchange of goods across borders of nations around the world. By lowering tariffs on these goods at the…
Answer: 1. Economic shrinkage. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country refers to the monetary estimation of goods and services produced in a country within a fiscal year. A negative GDP value indicates a shrinkage in the economy. A…
Answer: By increasing unemployment benefits. When a country is going through a recession, the government utilizes the "fiscal policy" which dictates that when a country is in recession, more money should be spent. The best option is to introduce or…
Answer: A. Governments collect taxes to ensure that citizens contribute to meeting society's needs. Naturally, some services will not evolve on their own, so there needs to be a way to fund said services. The government imposes taxes on citizens…
Answer: C. Those manufacturing costs that enter Work in Process Inventory are recorded at standard cost, rather than actual cost. This cost covers products that are on their way to being fully completed.
Answer: D. Diversification. In risk management in investments, the process of buying several different investment alternatives and portfolios to help spread the risk is known as diversification. In other words, diversification is a strategy that investors use to minimize risk…
Answer: E. Greatest coordination of efforts of global and local partners. Direct investment (also known as foreign direct investment or FDI) provides an avenue for the local economy to grow while using resources from the foreign investors. The result of…
Answer: C. Strategies regarding product, price, place and promotion. The term "marketing mix" is used to describe the entire processes, strategies, etc. a firm uses to pursue the goal of making a product so appealing to a customer that they…
Answer: B. It doesn't directly motivate performance. Typically, financial rewards are awarded to employees to encourage them, and to show that their efforts are noted and appreciated. Awarding financial rewards based on membership or seniority only implies that employees qualify…
A stakeholder register is a document containing information on individuals or groups that may be affected in one way or another by the execution of a project, and how they will affect the project's execution. The stakeholder register is compiled…
Answer: B. Selling era. Following World War II, there was a significant increase in consumer demand, creating a platform for the resulting untapped demand to thrive. After the war, distributing companies came to the conclusion that as the consumers' demand…