QA › Economics

Economics answers to 155 questions

Answer: A. prevent monopolies. The primary role of financial regulators is to ensure fairness in financial markets and to prevent and investigate fraudulent activities in the financial space. They ensure efficiency and transparency of markets and also to ensure clients…
Answer: A. customer service measures are subpar. Customer loyalty will likely fall if customer service measures are subpar. Customer service is one of the most effective customer retention strategies for any company. Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal…
Answer: B. net income Net income is the total amount of earnings that remains after all the deductions have been made from the sales. Savings is done voluntarily by the income holder after all other expenditures necessary to sustain living…
Answer: A. set customer service levels and logistic costs simultaneously in order to achieve strategic goals. Logistics management is the part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services,…
Answer: A. To protect individual investments A corporation is a body or organization formed by a union of two or more entities that come together to do business. The principal reason for forming a corporation is to protect individual investments,…
Answer: D. diffusive manufacturing Process manufacturing involves altering the natural or original form or structure of a material either physically or chemically, to form a new product. Utilitarian production involves making products that are ethically acceptable. Assembly process is the…
C. Quality control Quality control involves all the processes that go into making sure that a particular product is created under the best conditions possible, and that these products are not in any way harmful to customers. It helps ensure…
Answer: C. Accounts payable A liability is a debt or obligation that is owed to someone or an organization, or something that represents a debt owed. A revenue stream is a source of income or profit received from an investment.…
Answer: d. increasing the money supply during the expansionary phase of the business cycle. The government can try to minimize business cycles by increasing the money supply during the expansionary phase of the business cycle. A business cycle refers to…
Answer: c. property taxes Besides the actual mortgage payment, as a renter, paying property taxes is your responsibility, and it comes in as a part of the monthly payments. The property taxes help protect the homeowner's interest in the property.…
Answer: b. LIFO LIFO refers to a method of recording inventory in which goods or products that arrive last are sold off first. That is, newer products are sold first and older products are sold off last. In periods of…
Answer: a. Merchandise Inventory account is increased This is because the cost of transportation is a part of the total inventory cost of the organization. This is, thus, added to the price of inventory charged to the consumers. Since transportation…
Answer: a. raw materials, work in process, finished goods Raw materials are items that need to go through production (become works in progress) to become finished goods, all of which are recorded. Manufacturing costs could be either direct materials, direct…
Answer: d) A prepaid expense. Making insurance payments in advance is an example of a prepaid expense. Payment for an asset that has yet to be gotten is called a prepaid expense. An accrued revenue is the type of income…
Answer: d. all of the above The corporate form of business is one that is fraught with dangers, and also has its numerous advantages. Some of the advantages of the corporate form of business are the ability to easily raise…
Answer: b) the par value of the bond. Upon maturation, the carrying value of a bond will always be equivalent to the par value of the said bond. The carrying value of a bond is also known as the face…
Answer: C) wasteful decreases in product quality. Price floors and price ceilings are government policies that regulate the price of goods or services. They are pricing policies set by the government that prevents the price of a product or service…
Answer: D.all of the means identified in the other answers. Specialization is also known as division of labor. It is the perfect way to ensure that every hand is on deck and that all employees or workers cover various fields,…
Answer: 2. a failure of leadership to establish ethical standards Ethics are standards and values of moral behavior, that have been accepted by the society as right, as well as those that have been recognized by society as wrong. They…
Answer: C) liquidity ratios. With a short-term creditor, the most important thing is having a target company with a high liquidity ratio. This means that they are interested in the ability of the company to convert its assets and possessions…
Answer: C. brewer. The process costing system is used to label specific products or assign a price to them. The type of products addressed in this system are products that are manufactured on a large scale and are similar. These…
All the steps above disqualify options A to D, and the correct answer, therefore, is option E, increasing the number/model of styles produced. S/Q stands for styling quality, and it refers to the appearance or style and quality of the…
The cost of goods manufactured is an estimate used to determine the ratio of production costs to the available budget. It is calculated by adding the overhead cost of manufacturing, cost of labor, and cost of materials used. You then…
Answer: C) the interest rate A mortgage is a loan obtained from a bank that is paid over a period of time to a bank. A mortgage usually comes with an interest rate attached to it. This interest depends on…
The law of opportunity costs is driven by the fact that an increase in the production of a product increases its opportunity cost. To get a larger amount of a product, a business will require more resources for production. Opportunity…
Answer: 3. High levels of education Standard of living can be determined using various factors that include productivity and high GDP. Education is a factor that affects the standard of living because of its impact on the rates of productivity.…
Answer: c. kaizen In the Japanese language, the word "Kaizen" is closely associated with "constant improvement". It is a business ideology that Japanese people use to describe a process of continuous improvement in business practices involving every person who works…
Answer: D. Order and Acquire Resource management is defined as the utilization of organizational resources in terms of the current needs of the organization. The options above are part of the processes often applied in the course of a resource…
Answer: C. Presents the Incident Action Plan (IAP) for the upcoming period to supervisory personnel Operational period briefing can be defined as a form of briefing carried out at the start of each operational timeframe to present the tactical resource…
Answer: B) Strategic pricing Explanation: Strategic pricing can be defined as the act of setting the price of a product after evaluating the value of the product and other competitors selling the same product instead of the cost of manufacturing…