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Answer: D. Peter Minuit In May 1626, Peter Minuit, the representative of the Dutch West India Company, managed to obtain the rights to own the island of Manhattan from the local Native Americans. He sealed this transaction with an exchange…
Answer: True The answer is true. Climate plays a vital role in determining the composition and horizon of any type of soil. There are five factors that determine how soil is formed, and they are climate, the parent material of…
Answer: B. for any law. In legislative terms, a bill is a proposal for any law. It is a formally introduced legislation or a proposal that is either going to be considered or is being considered before it is enacted…
The answer is false. The intravenous method of transmitting drugs has nothing to do with swallowing the drug. Drugs can be introduced into the body or taken in a number of ways, some of these ways are through swallowing (orally),…
Answer: D. stop slavery in the territory taken in the Mexican-American War The Wilmot Proviso was created to stop slavery in all its forms, in a number of key areas. These areas covered any and every territory that was taken…
Answer: D. executive orders. The Senate power of advice and consent is used to checkmate discrepancies and other major activities that take place in the legislative and executive arms of government. Besides having the right to confirm major presidential appointments,…
Answer: D. all of the above Ocean exploration is the process of venturing into the ocean, to make discoveries and uncover unusual or unexpected results, for possible applications in day-to-day activities. The oceans on earth are a hotpot of every…
Answer: D. Ethnic and religious diversity William Penn was well known for his belief that every person should be allowed to seek and worship God in his or her preferred way, with the idea that it would help foster tolerance…
Answer: C. Assume each task is of equal importance When the management of a team or a unit does not explicitly state or make their employees understand the importance of each task, then the employees will treat each task with…
Answer: C. Intonation When a speaker is talking, the rise and fall of their tone of voice show what they are thinking, or what they hope to portray to the listener: if the speaker is angry, confused, or trying to…
Answer: A. write whatever thoughts come to mind. Freewriting is the process of writing for a set period of time, without any thought or considerations for grammatical rules, concepts, or specific patterns. It usually contains grammatically incorrect sentences, so option…
Answer: B. diffusion The areas within and outside a cell are at different concentrations, so any form of transport into and out of them must happen through a system that can overcome this concentration gradient. Diffusion is the movement of…
Answer: B. all systems work together to maintain homeostasis The human body is designed in such a way that all the cells, tissues, organs, and systems work together to achieve a level of balance, and ensure that the body is…
Answer: a. copper A magnetic field is a condition of space around a metal or object that causes other objects to be attracted to it. It can be created by passing electricity through an object (usually a magnetic object), as…
Answer: a. cities A topographic map is a type of map that contains clear details of the physical features of a place, such as woods, houses, roads, sidewalks, and rivers. Cities, however, are not found on a topographic map, rather,…
Answer: A. fault-block mountains. Seamounts are mountains that rise above the ocean floor but are not high enough to breach the surface of the water. Plateaus are expanses of land that are high and flat or level. Uplifted mountains are…
Answer: D. Committing large amounts of American troops to the fight and massive bombing. The Vietnam War took place from 1955 to 1975 and involved North and South Vietnam, and the United States. As the war raged on, President Lyndon…
Answer: C. increasing conflict with parents Adolescence can be divided into 3 stages, namely the early, middle, and late stages of adolescence. The early adolescence stage is characterized by feelings of invincibility, a simple thinking process, and self-awareness. Middle adolescence…
Answer: C. Suffrage. Democracy is a system of government that revolves around the people or populace being governed. The laws, reforms, and policies made are made with the people's best interests at heart, and the most important element of any…
Answer: C. Accounts payable A liability is a debt or obligation that is owed to someone or an organization, or something that represents a debt owed. A revenue stream is a source of income or profit received from an investment.…
Answer: d. increasing the money supply during the expansionary phase of the business cycle. The government can try to minimize business cycles by increasing the money supply during the expansionary phase of the business cycle. A business cycle refers to…
Answer: c. The elementary school Munhall has many bright, young teachers. An essential appositive is a phrase or short description placed before a noun or pronoun, as an explanation. It is an important part of a sentence since the sentence…
Answer: b. it s profitable and useful An ore is a type of rock that is composed of valuable or important minerals. Ores do not necessarily have to be rare, as there are countless ores that are commonly found, neither…
Answer: D. friction from landscape features doesn't slow them down. The higher you go into the Earth's atmosphere, the higher the speed of the wind becomes. This is because the friction that is normally created by landscape features does not…
Answer: C. frictional Frictional force exists between two surfaces that are in motion, and in contact with each other. It works to oppose the motion of two bodies in contact. The centrifugal force works to push a rotating body away…
Answer: C. fact. Nonfiction is used to describe a piece of writing that is based on facts. It involves works about real life events, biographies, autobiographies, and so on. On the other hand, imaginative writing is used to describe a…
Answer: A. equal birth and death rates. Population size could change either by increasing, due to a number of factors. One of such factors is death and birth rate: an increased death rate and decreased birth rate will tilt the…
When using adjectives, one important thing to note is the state of the nouns: singular or plural. The adjectives "these" and "those" are strictly to be used when talking about plural nouns. The nouns could be objects, or even abstract…
Answer: C. figurative language In poetry, the content takes up a large part of how a piece turns out and is thus very important. An equally important element is the figurative language used. It is what the poet uses to…
Answer: D. narrative point of view. The first, second, or third person style of writing is used when an author is describing their points of view during narration. It has nothing to do with the literary perspective, as that is…