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Answer: A In the novel "The Scarlet Letter", the author Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about Hester Prynne a young lady — in a puritan village — who was accused of committing adultery and was forced to wear a scarlet with the…
Answer: C. Exclamation point The exclamation point is closely associated with interjections. This is rightly so because interjections are words or phrases which often express emotions. The exclamation point is a punctuation mark that can be used to show emphatic…
Answer: 4. Language barriers Explanation: Problem-solving is a process that requires tact and assertiveness. It is an act that when effectively applied, can help solve puzzles and resolve certain problems. There are four stages in problem-solving which are: • Identifying…
Answer: a. planning The Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis is a method applied by management to ascertain the effect of the organization's profitability due to the changes in costs and volumes. To carry out this analysis, management must plan their production schedule…
Answer: 2. A common culture and a territory A group of people living together can be said to be a society when they share a common culture and territory. Two distinct groups of people who are boundaries away from each…
Answer: B. A group is the sum of the behavior of all of the group members. Explanation: While a group is meant to function as one entity, each individual in the group will definitely have distinct characters. Every member of…
Answer: Dew Point Temperature Dew point temperature or Dew point (DP) is defined as that temperature at which moist air must undergo cooling at constant pressure (atm) and constant water vapor content. This process is aimed at achieving saturation. In…
Answer: D. In both novels, the place where truth can begin to be revealed is in nature. A conclusion is the final thoughts derived after reading or analyzing a text. The aim of a conclusion is often to give summarizing…
Answer: A "It" correctly completes the sentence because a telephone is a singular object which is also a noun. The term "it" can be used to replace a singular object and noun. The other options are incorrect because they don't…
Answer: 4. uncertainty "Thoughts of Hanoi" is a poem that reflects on the past and shows the uncertainty of what the future holds. The poem progresses from the joys of childhood to the fear or uncertainty of what will happen…
Answer: C. They have two germ layers. The phylum Porifera consists of the sponges. They are organisms that possess both the ectoderm and endoderm layers. That means that they have two germ layers. In the options provided above, the third…
Answer: A. 1/3x+2 There are two equations: x − 3y = −6 ..... Equation one 2x − 7y = 10 ...... Equation two Solve for the value of y in equation one x - 3y = –6 3y = x…
Answer: 1. theme The correct answer is the theme because it is often the simplest idea most fiction writers develop their stories on. Themes provide writers the luxury of exploring a single idea in thousands of unique ways. For example,…
Answer: D. Ground Beef should be stored above Chicken In the storage of food items in a refrigerator there are specific protocols that should be followed. Already-made foods are stored on the topmost section of the refrigerator. The second section…
Answer: C. casting a positive light on negative facts. In terms of media practices, spin is a type of propaganda that occurs when the media consciously provides false information about an event or political issue. The main aim of such…
Answer: 2. Promote policies Policymakers are those people who are actively involved in the process of creating new policies or amending older ones. They cannot make policies on their own. They need to get the support of the masses and…
Answer: The correct answer is A. Seed cones contain ovules. The Gymnosperms are plants whose seeds are not covered in an ovary. They are seed-producing plants with conifers and cycads being two popular gymnosperms. The seeds of gymnosperms are not…
Answer: 4. The loss of topsoil on the Great Plains resulted in people migrating to northeastern cities The Dust Bowl was the term coined in dry periods of the 1930s for the drastic dust storms that ravaged the Southern Plains…
Answer: C. generates increased employee commitment. Internal recruiting is a strategy used by some companies when they are looking for employees who are competent and highly committed to their jobs. Instead of seeking for external candidates to occupy a vacant…
Answer: C. Where the item can be found within the library A call number shares similar functions with an address. The call number is used to determine the location of individual books in a library. While there are different methods…
Answer: False IP address or Internet Protocol address is a unique address assigned to every individual device — whether mobile or computer device — that is connected to the internet. It is a means through which each internet-based device can…
Answer: a. Christianity and Islam Illuminated manuscripts were handwritten books whose texts had silver or golden inscriptions. They were used by Christian and Islamic scholars. These manuscripts were first made by the monks in the abbey before they became increasingly…
Answer: C. enhanced ability of the organism to reproduce A balance in the number of chromosomes in humans is extremely important. If not, certain abnormalities may occur. Chromosomes carry our genetic material responsible for controlling body cells. An alteration in…
Answer: Personal loans, Credit Cards, Mortgages, and Auto Loans Personal Loans are taken by a borrower. The borrower regularly pays this loan between 2-5 years on installment but in fixed amounts. Credit Cards are cards given to a holder that…
Answer: 1. Renaissance The Renaissance period lasted for about three hundred years. It began in the fourteenth century and lasted Up to the seventeenth century. This period saw an immense development in European history. Politics, economics, culture, and European arts…
Answer: False The Body Mass Index (BMI) of a healthy female is below 30 — with a higher range of 24. If a woman has a body fat of 30%, her Body Mass Index is 30. This means she is…
Answer: 3. Larval urochordates and adult cephalochordates Urochordata and Cephalochordata are the two subphylums of Chordata. Urochordata are living organisms that have a notochord present in the posterior part of their body that forms a tail at their larval stage.…
Answer: 2. negative square root 21 over 5 Cos Θ = -2/5 = -0.4 Tan Θ > -1 Sin Θ = ? Sin²Θ + Cos²Θ = 1 Sin²Θ = 1 – Cos²Θ Sin²Θ = 1 – (–0.4)² Sin²Θ = 1…
Answer: 2. Elongated sporophyte The division of Bryophyta consists of three different types of bryophytes. The bryophytes include the hornworts, the liverworts, and the mosses. Although all plants under the division Bryophyta are non-vascular, they have unique features that separate…
Answer: 3. Incident The Incident Action Plan is a comprehensive official report that comprises incident objectives, operational longevity, as well as a well-planned set of control or response. The incident control plan can also help to eliminate the problem of…